PhD programme in Biological Sciences Applied to Health
Advanced Course: ONCOBIOLOGY
April 28th to May 6th, 2016 (8:00-13:00)
Main goals:
Check the documentation for detailed Course Schedule.
Applications should be submitted at
Registration deadline: 21st April 2016 | +10€ after deadline on a space available basis
Place: Campus Universitário de Gandra - CESPU, Rua Central de Gandra, 1317, 4585-116 Gandra PRD, Portugal
Participants: The course is opened to young scientists (BSc with relevant CV, MSc and PhD students, PhD/MD, Post-doc fellows), senior researchers interested in cancer biology, and holders of a scientific or professional CV of recognized merit attesting the capacity to attend this course.
Total participants: 15 (Full course with Lab classes), 50 (Theoretical classes) | Selection based on registration order
Registration Fees: 75€/Full Course, 50€/ Theoretical Classes
Certificate: A certificate will be issued at the end of the course to all students who attended the course assiduously
ECTS credits: Students who successfully conclude the full course will be awarded 5 ECTS credits (5€, included in the registration fees)
Teaching staff:
Invited Speakers:
Flyer with detailed information (Attachment)