Título: Comportamentos de promoção de saúde nos sobreviventes de cancro: Scoping Review
Orador: Mestre Nuno Miguel dos Santos Martins Peixoto
(Doutorando em Ciências da Enfermagem na Universidade do Porto, ICBAS)
Título: Adaptação dos sobreviventes de cancro: Desenvolvimento de uma intervenção educacional em enfermagem
Orador: Mestre Tiago André dos Santos Martins Peixoto
(Doutorando em Ciências da Enfermagem na Universidade do Porto, ICBAS)
Anfitrião: José Adriano Costa, MSc
(Estudante de Doutoramento CBAS)
Local: Campus Universitário de Gandra, Sala 3042
Entrada Grátis
Aim and objectives. This study aims to map and identify gaps in the recent (∼2012–2017) literature concerning nursing strategies and interventions programs for promotion of health behaviors in cancer patients.
Background. Cancer patients have a significantly impaired quality of life due to their disease. Nursing interventions aiming at optimizing health promotion behaviors and improving quality of life in this growing patient population should be emphasized
Design. Systematic scoping review
Methods. CINAHL Complete®, CINAHL Plus with Full Text®, MEDLINE with Full Text® and Cochrane Library® databases were searched between 2012 and 2017. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and free text words were used. Inclusion criteria were specific defined and grey literature was included too. Retrieved data included descriptive analyses exploring studies’ methodological characteristics (aim(s), sample, design) and results.
Results. A total of 685 studies were initially identified, from which 12 (8 quantitative, 3 reviews and 1 discussion paper) were included in the review. Evidence tables were developed to organize data, which was grouped according to five categories: procedures, mechanisms of change, outcome assessment measures, effectiveness and cost effectiveness. Most studies included cancer patients on survivorship period (n=10) and selected intervention strategies focusing patient’s knowledge and awareness (n=8). Intervention programs had an average duration of 21 weeks. Educational sessions were supported by behavioral change reinforcements and incentives.
Conclusions: Nursing interventions are effective in promoting health behaviors and should include health education and encouragement towards change. Survivorship is the perfect time for health promotion interventions. Nurses can be considered health promoters, by encouraging health education activities essential to keep cancer survivors informed and aware of the need to adopt health behaviors.
Relevance to clinical practice. This review provides an important contribution for development of future studies, particularly those focusing the development of health promotion interventions after cancer.
Keywords: Nursing; Health Promotion; Neoplasms