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Data: 22.10.2021, 12h:00m

Local: Campus Universitário de Gandra


2021 Seminar Series

IINFACTS - Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde

CBAS_5Ed. - Programa Doutoral em Ciências Biológicas Aplicadas à Saúde do IUCS


SEMINÁRIO Gratuito (Regime Presencial) – Inscrição obrigatória: AQUI

LOCAL: Campus Universitário de Gandra, Auditório do edifício 3.


Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and cone-beam computed tomography for maxillary sinus graft assessment


Arthur Rodriguez Gonzalez Cortes, DDS, MSc, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology and Digital Dentistry & Acting Head of Department

Department of Dental Surgery, Faculty of Dental Surgery, University of Malta, MALTA




Hossam Dawa, MSc

(CBAS PhD student)


Resumo da apresentação:

Little is known regarding the accuracy of clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols with acceptable scan times in sinus graft assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlations between MRI and cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) measurements of maxillary sinus grafts using 2 different clinical MRI imaging protocols. A total of 15 patients who underwent unilateral sinus lift surgery with biphasic calcium phosphate were included in this study. CBCT, T1-weighted MRI, and T2-weighted MRI scans were taken 6 months after sinus lift surgery. Linear measurements of the maximum height and buccolingual width in coronal images, as well as the maximum anteroposterior depth in sagittal images, were performed by 2 trained observers using CBCT and MRI Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine files. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) was also performed to confirm the presence of bone tissue in the grafted area. Correlations between MRI and CBCT measurements were found to be significant. In conclusion, both MRI pulse sequences tested can be used for sinus graft measurements, as strong correlations with CBCT were found. However, correlations between T2-weighted MRI and CBCT were slightly higher than those between T1-weighted MRI and CBCT.


Dr. Arthur Cortes é Professor Associado de Odontologia Digital e Chefe de Departamento na Faculdade de Odontologia Da Universidade de Malta. Dr. Arthur possui mais de 65 artigos indexados no pubmed em revistas de impacto na odontologia, sendo a maioria deles sobre implantodontia e odontologia digital. Possue graduação em odontologia, mestrado em patologia e doutorado em diagnóstico bucal pela Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil). Completou também um pós-doutorado de radiologia de 1 ano pela Universidade de Harvard (Boston, EUA). Além disso, Dr. Arthur é Fellow e Speaker do International Team of Implantologists (ITI).



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Etiqueta(s): Ensino universitário Investigação e desenvolvimento Instituição